@Sea Breeze: there is no scientific evidence for any of those “facts”. They are simply articles of faith. That list is simply paraphrasing portions of the gospels and the Pauline epistles that Christians have to accept without questioning.
But as you know many of the gospels, as well as the apocrypha have large variations of the events surrounding Jesus’ supposed death, it is very much devoid of a historically accurate and verifiable story and every single story, even in the canon, has differences that are hard to ignore both during the passion (see here: https://www.bc.edu/content/dam/files/research_sites/cjl/sites/partners/cbaa_seminar/Passion_Narratives.htm) and the ressurection (how many angels, men or Jesus himself were in the tomb, which belies at least one of the “facts” you mentioned, the tomb was not empty in any account, how many did he appear to and who first etc etc)
As far as the lack of historicity, Pontius Pilate for example in the Biblical story is written as a kind but weak willed person, allowing the Jews to carry out their own judicial proceedings, however historical records like that of Philon and Josephus describe him as a cruel, stubborn and merciless person that oppressed the Jews and would never allow any sort of self-governance.